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Image by Dylan Freedom


Writer's picture: South Beach ChurchSouth Beach Church

The most incredible event in the history of the world was celebrated around the globe yesterday. It's nationally and internationally known and recognized by every country in the world. It's the one thing that changes all things. You know what I'm talking about and we celebrated it with just as much passion as the next church did. I'm talking about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died and didn't stay dead but rose victoriously for your sins and for mine too. Our greatest need was met by His greatest deed. It's incredible. Life changing and history altering. Yesterday we baptized 46 souls and had over a 1000 people attend our 3 services in Newport Oregon. It's an absolute testament to the reality of Jesus and His resurrection power. JESUS IS REAL! But just like yesterday is over, so too the resurrection of Jesus is over. It's done. It's finished. He did His part. And now, you and I are here. Reading this post. It's time to move on. Not move away, but move on in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He died once so we can now live and live differently than we did before. We now can live with HIs resurrected power inside of us and paving a way for us. What He wants us to do is first believe this, then behave like this. That is, to take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus and His ways. How you believe determines how you behave. When you put your belief in the One who died and didn't stay dead, you too can rise up and walk differently step by step in the power of His love for you. Jesus died so you could live. Today, let's live differently, intentionally, and powerfully in the new life that Jesus secured for you and for me. Not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit says the Lord. He is for you. 

Pastor Luke 


Have you prayed about starting a 4 Is More group for you and some of your friends? 

We believe that discipleship and fellowship in the Lord is more important now than ever before so we are encouraging EVERYONE to press into greater friendships with like minded believers so we can GROW together! If you have questions or need help getting your groups started, email us and we'll do what we can. 


• Young Adult Group Monday's at 6p at the Offices 

• Women’s Bible Study begins April 17th

• Monday Bible Study at FTK 6p

• Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays Step Study at 6p at Foursquare 

• Food Pantry Tuesdays 2:30-4p at First Presbyterian Church

• Middle School Youth Group Wed at 4p Foursquare 

• High School Youth Group Wed at 6:30p at the Foursquare 

• Thursday Morning Prayer 7:30a at the Offices! 

• Series 33 Men's Bible Study at FTK Friday's at 6p


• Women's Night Out Friday April 19th 6p at Foursquare 

• Oregon Women's Conference May 18th Lebanon Oregon 

• Sunday's Church Live at 8a, 10a, 12p and online at 6p FOURSQUARE! 

SBC Offices open Mon-Thur 10a-3p

1164 SW Coast Hwy Suite A


5x5x5 Reading program. 

Keep reading your Bibles! 

Download the reading plan at 


You can mail in your offerings at 

South Beach Church

PO Box 950

Newport Or 97365


1) What a powerful Sunday we had at church yesterday! SO RAD! We took our Easter text out of John 21 and titled the message 'Difficulties after the Resurrection'. Some of the difficulties included are waiting, wondering, wandering, trusting, going back to old ways, unbelief, and other various struggles. JESUS IS REAL! But so is life and its struggles. What common struggles have you had to deal with since becoming a believer? How have you seen victory over these difficulties in your life? What are some of the areas you're working through now? 

2) This was the 3rd time Jesus appeared to His disciples after He'd been raised from the dead. I love it when Jesus 'appears' to me in the Word, prayer, worship, creation, or a good friend. How has Jesus 'appeared' to you recently? It could be as simple as a  song on the radio, a rainbow, or text from a buddy. Share the ways that Jesus meets you on your journey 'post resurrection'. 

3) After the boys spent all night fishing they were exhausted, empty, and blind. And Jesus still showed up and directed them to the 'right side'. Have you experienced this same progression of sin and grace in your life before? Share your story! I remember when I was rebelling against the Lord in college and finally surrendered to the Lord after a season of exhaustion, emptiness, and blindness. Then the Lord met me with an abundance of grace and fullness at church and in His Word and with other believers. Has this happened to you? Share your story! 

I love you guys! 

Let's walk in His Resurrection power and DTNRT! 

He is FOR US! 

I am too. 

Pastor Luke! 

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