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Image by Dylan Freedom

Life Group Questions for THE GOSPEL OF MARK

Writer's picture: South Beach ChurchSouth Beach Church

It's not over. There's more to do. You haven't arrived. The finish line is still ahead of you. A few years ago I ran in the Portland Marathon with around 10,000 other runners. I can't remember who won but I know it wasn't me, even though I tried. It wasn't easy. I had to train. I had to plan. I had to do hard things. I had to show up to training runs and run longer each week to prepare for the race. I got new shoes and proper shorts and had a plan for each mile on race day. It was awesome. But I remember getting confused towards the end of the race. My body was hurting. My knees were aching and my pace was slowing. I just kept telling myself that I was almost there. Almost done. 26 miles was all I had to do. The finish line was close and the party was going to be worth it! When I rounded one of the final corners in downtown Portland I saw the 26 mile marker and I was PUMPED! For 3 seconds. I saw the 26 mile marker and that's it. There was nothing around it. No finish line. No ribbon. No crowds. No band. No cameras. NOTHING. It was a simple mile marker completely alone and uncelebrated. I was stunned. Shocked. Saddened and confused. For 5 seconds. Then I realized that a marathon isn't 26 miles. It's 26.2 miles. I had .2 miles left to run before I was finished. I was devastated. For 7 seconds. Then I picked up the pace. And I kept going. I dug deep and ran past that isolated 26 mile marker and pressed on to the 26.2 mile marker where the finish line was, the ribbon, the cameras, the music and the party. I had more to do and I did it. If you're reading this right now, your race isn't over yet. There's more steps to take. You still have some things to do, some things to learn, and some things to give. The very fact that God has given you another minute to live this side of eternity is the most exciting thing you could imagine! He has plans for you, steps already ordered, and people along your path to invest in and encourage. Don't be surprised today by the tasks in front of you. It's not over. There's more to do. You haven't arrived. Keep going! 

The best is yet to come! 

Pastor Luke 


Have you prayed about starting a 4 Is More group for you and some of your friends? 

We believe that discipleship and fellowship in the Lord is more important now than ever before so we are encouraging EVERYONE to press into greater friendships with like minded believers so we can GROW together! If you have questions or need help getting your groups started, email us and we'll do what we can. 


• Young Adult Group Monday's at 6p at the Offices 

• Women’s Walk and Talk June 12th 10a South Beach State Park 

• Monday Bible Study at FTK 6p

• Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays Step Study at 6p at Foursquare 

• Food Pantry Tuesdays 2:30-4p at First Presbyterian Church

• Middle School Youth Group Wed at 4p Foursquare 

• High School Youth Group Wed at 6:30p at the Foursquare 

• Thursday Morning Prayer 7:30a at the Offices! 

• Series 33 Men's Bible Study at FTK Friday's at 6p


• Fundraiser Craft Garage Sale July 11th-14th

• Oregon Women's Conference May 18th Lebanon Oregon 

• Sunday's Church Live at 8a, 10a, 12p and online at 6p FOURSQUARE! 

SBC Offices open Mon-Thur 10a-3p

1164 SW Coast Hwy Suite A


5x5x5 Reading program. 

Keep reading your Bibles! 

Download the reading plan at 


You can mail in your offerings at 

South Beach Church

PO Box 950

Newport Or 97365


1) As Jesus was going about His ministry He began to upset the religious community and the Pharisees around Him so He withdrew to the sea with His disciples. He simply shook it off and did the next right thing. How well do you process challenges and disappointments? Are you able to shake it off and do the next right thing? It's not always easy!

2) Jesus was encountering pressure from all different directions. He was being criticized by the spiritual leaders, crowded by the demands of ministry, pursued by hurting and afflicted people, and attacked by the unclean spirits everywhere He went. What sort of pressures do you face every day? Spiritual warfare, other people in crisis, too many demands on you etc? What's pressing in on you right now? 

3) In response to the pressure Jesus did 2 things we'll explore next week as well. The first thing He did was pray. He really PRAYED. All night long He prayed. How is your prayer life right now? Does it need a tune up? Jesus also delegated to His Disciples. He organized His team. How well do you delegate and organize? This is a weakness for me but I want to learn from Jesus how to do this well! 


Let's keep going until we cross the finish line! 

Pastor Luke 

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