It's not just you. It's the people you live with too. The folks in your Life Group. The people at Bible study. The folks at the school. The staff at the church. And me. Sometimes it feels like I'm really going through it. Like the trials, issues, stressers, and tests just won't let up. And it may actually be true at that moment. But one thing I've come to realize in seasons like this. It's not just me. I'm not alone in the difficulties and trials. Sometimes the enemy tries to tell me It's just me. That I'm the only one. That no one is suffering like I am. But in 1 Peter chapter 5 we gain some insight into spiritual warfare and spiritual battles. In 1st Peter 5:6 Peter tells us first of all to humble ourselves before the Lord and He'll lift us up at the right time. Then Peter tells us to be sober and vigilant during these times knowing that the enemy is real and really mad. Then in verse 9 Peter tells us to resist the enemy and his lies and to stand firm in the faith we have, KNOWING that the same testing is experienced by the brotherhood in the rest of the world too. What's that? Peter says not to think that your present trial is being experienced alone, but rather the whole community is getting tested and tempted simultaneously. Oh your trial may have very unique and personal variables. That's a guarantee. But the enemy of our souls tends to attack not just one of us, but all of us. If you're going through a trial right now, chances are so is your spouse, your kids, your friends and coworkers and the entire community of faith. It's not just you. We are in this together. So let's humble ourselves unto the Lord and one another and cast our cares on the Lord knowing He cares for us. He will lift us up in due time! The battle belongs to the LORD as we fight for one another. Resist the enemy and he will flee from you. Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you.
Pastor Luke
Have you prayed about starting a 4 Is More group for you and some of your friends?
We believe that discipleship and fellowship in the Lord is more important now than ever before so we are encouraging EVERYONE to press into greater friendships with like minded believers so we can GROW together! If you have questions or need help getting your groups started, email us and we'll do what we can.
• Young Adult Group Monday's at 6p at the Offices
• Women’s Bible Study Wednesday's at 9:45a (Child care provided)
• Monday Bible Study at FTK 6p
• Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays Step Study at 6p at Foursquare
• Food Pantry Tuesdays 2:30-4p at First Presbyterian Church
• Middle School Youth Group Wed at 4p Foursquare
• High School Youth Group Wed at 6:30p at the Foursquare
• Thursday Morning Prayer 7:30a at the Offices!
• Series 33 Men's Bible Study at FTK Friday's at 6p
• Fundraiser Craft Garage Sale July 11th-14th
• Oregon Women's Conference May 18th Lebanon Oregon
• Sunday's Church Live at 8a, 10a, 12p and online at 6p FOURSQUARE!
SBC Offices open Mon-Thur 10a-3p
1164 SW Coast Hwy Suite A
5x5x5 Reading program.
Keep reading your Bibles!
Download the reading plan at
You can mail in your offerings at
South Beach Church
PO Box 950
Newport Or 97365
1) In Mark ch 3 we see Jesus goes to synagogue AGAIN! He loves church! What was your church experience like growing up? Do you have fond memories? Do you love going to church now? What's your favorite parts about church now!
2) When Jesus got to church He saw a man with a withered hand. Jesus knew that it was against they're tradition to heal people on the Sabbath. He didn't like their tradition and was about to change the rules. What traditions did you grow up with? Do you still have traditions that help you worship the Lord? Not all traditions are bad but some are just made up and don't rightly reflect the Lord's heart.
3) When Jesus saw the man with the withered hand He simply commanded him to STRETCH OUT YOUR HAND. And he was able to do it! WOW! God's commandments are His enablements. If God said it, that settles it. Our job is to believe it! How does God's Word enable you every day? What are some of your favorite commandments that enable you to walk in the LIGHT? KNOW HIS WORD! I love Philippians 4:13!
He is for you!
March on soldier!
Pastor Luke